Entries by maureenmin

A Personal Message from Maureen – To Those Challenged by Their Physical Health

I am always very open with my clients that I have physical health challenges and a painful and incurable progressive neurological illness. Yet, despite it all, I have a deep inner peace-  and heartfelt contentment that is secure. I live my life with much joy and passion. I  embrace and greet each day with enthusiasm […]

Weighed Down By Negative Thoughts or Emotions? Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

For those who know me well, you will know that I am a lover of life, nature, people and animals, and my gorgeous family and amazing husband, Peter. I am also a lover of fables and often relate them within coaching sessions to highlight, inspire or instigate new or different ways of thinking for my […]

A Life of Constant Bliss Would Teach Us Nothing

 “Storms often draw something out of us that calm seas don’t.” Bill Hybels Without experiencing the highest of highs in life, and at the other extreme, the lowest of lows, our heart and soul and the depth of emotions we feel would remain constant and unchanged. It would be difficult to differentiate between joy and […]

Throw Off Your Limiting Beliefs! They Exist Only In Your Mind..

Are limiting beliefs, fear of failure, or lack of courage holding you back in life? Are you stuck in a rut in an ‘uncomfortable’ comfort zone and struggling to see a way to improve or expand your world? Then read on, for I think you’ll find this Blog helpful to put some perspective on what’s happening […]

Living With Peace and Joy Despite Chronic Pain

How do I do what I do? I’m often asked where my deep contentment comes from. I’m often asked how I always have a genuine smile on my face when living with incurable neurological illness and in intense, relentless discomfort and pain. I must be honest. I can’t take all the credit for it. It’s […]

Living a Life You Love – The Differences that Make the Difference.

Today I want to talk to you about the difference that makes the difference –  between settling for a life that feels second best to you   – and living a life that feels good at a deep internal level and is in alignment with your truest self. I hope my top tips resonate with you in […]

Fresh Opportunities and Achieving Life Goals: Three Top Tips

If you are not on track with achieving any goals you have set for yourself I want you to breathe and know that’s ok. Real-life is sometimes like that. Things happen. Life happens. None of us lives in a protective bubble and sometimes circumstances take over. If you are currently feeling defeated by your goals, […]

Struggling To Make A Decision? Think Less, Feel More…

‘Think less, feel more’, is not perhaps a concept that is familiar to you,  for for the most part society teaches us to make our choices and decisions in life by thinking with our head. I want to encourage you however to start making your decisions based more on how your heart tells you you […]

Is FEAR Holding You Back In Life?

Fear is a small word with only four letters, and yet it has the power to paralyse us, hold us in our tracks, and the ability to stop us from going after what we want in life. Fear can act as a prison and keep your world small and restricted. Fear can put boundaries around […]

It All Starts With A Wish – And Then It’s The Wanting That Counts.

“I don’t believe in luck; it’s the wanting that counts. I have always wanted…. I did not want, ever, for others to get for me.” Sophia Loren  Are you like the famous actress Sophia Loren and take your ‘wants’ for life into your hands and ‘want’ them so badly that you take action on them? […]

©Copyright 2015-2025 Maureen Sharphouse. All Rights Reserved. . Maureen is based in Kinross-shire, Scotland and works with clients locally, nationally and internationally.