Fresh Opportunities and Achieving Life Goals: Three Top Tips

If you are not on track with achieving any goals you have set for yourself I want you to breathe and know that’s ok. Real-life is sometimes like that. Things happen. Life happens. None of us lives in a protective bubble and sometimes circumstances take over. If you are currently feeling defeated by your goals, however,  know it needs to be only temporary. It is not the setbacks that defeat you. It is giving up that does!

Every new day brings another opportunity to start afresh, to make new choices, to take new action, to explore new directions.

Every single day brings a new opportunity to get back on track with your goals, evolve and grow as a person –  and become an even more awesome version of you.

Challenges and setbacks bring valuable opportunities

So reflect on your challenges and any disappointments you’ve had – and extract the positive and valuable learnings you’ve gained from experiencing them.

Challenges bring opportunities to grow. As do any setbacks you’ve had.

Choose to move forwards stronger and wiser now with those valuable learnings on board.

Let me share with you  three great goal-achieving top tips to help:

  1. Build your motivation, self-belief and hunger by visualising your goals in your mind,  as if you have achieved them already, and stepping into the picture and into your own body to see, hear, taste, touch and experience first-hand the emotions you feel.
  2. Project yourself forward one year from now in your mind and write at the top of a blank piece of paper: “My name is (insert your name) …………….. It is the (insert the date exactly one year from now)………………….  I have had a truly  amazing year and these are  the reasons why…………..” Now write about the events of your amazing year as if the events have already happened, and you have achieved exactly what you want. This is an empowering tool I use with many of my coaching clients and I have no doubt it will be an empowering exercise for you too.
  3. Pull out 3 keywords from what you have written about your ‘amazing year’ so that you can use them to keep you focused and motivated, as your own personal manifesto e.g. perhaps for you the words may be effective, calm and determined.  Or they may be completely different. Keep them true to you! Ensure to place these words somewhere you will see them every single day, such as in the notes on your phone or pinned to the fridge door.

One step at a time

Now go move forwards with faith, belief and knowing that you are supported by a presence much bigger than you are and that there are many opportunities available to you not only to achieve your goals but for much valuable and personal growth. Take one step at a time. You will get there. Remind yourself that successful people don’t get caught up in negativity. Make it your commitment to do more of the things that make you feel happy and bring joy into your life.

Enjoy and embrace each moment in your present, whilst you lean into an amazing future – and open your arms, heart, soul and mind open wide.

Go be YOU.  And be awesome.

Here’s to making the year ahead an amazing year!

Maureen Sharphouse

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