Peer Support & Mentoring
There are times in life when your circumstances can feel overwhelming, downright difficult, or painfully challenging. It can be hard enough to cope and get through each day without feeling like you are getting sucked into an ever-darkening abyss.
Worries mount. Stress levels increase.
Your soul becomes eroded. You lose all enthusiasm for life.
Your spirit is dampened. You start to see a bleak future.
You begin to query what this thing called life is all about.
In truth, I understand how that feels—for I have been there too.
Imagine reaching out for support from someone you trust, who can hold the safe confidential space for you in times like these. Imagine having someone alongside you to share your innermost thoughts without judgement, develop coping strategies with you to ease the heavy load you are carrying, and that can guide you as your sage and mentor with their skills and wisdom.
Know it is okay to reach out for help and admit you are not okay at times. Despite what many coaches and mindset gurus teach, you are not always in control of all things!
Life can take twists and turns that are not of your choosing. Pain and illness can join you on your journey, disability and accidents happen, you can lose your job or loved ones, and difficult circumstances can suck you into darkness.
Rather than working with me as your life coach at these times, I will serve you better by providing you with ongoing mentoring and peer support.
If you would like to find out more about investing in my help to provide a period of ongoing guidance and support to you, I invite you to contact me.
We can have an initial chat, see whether we are a good fit, and discuss together the best way forward from there.