Entries by maureenmin

Meaningful And Important Questions To Ask Yourself At The End of Each And Every Day

In today’s busy world many people strive for business and financial success, high performance and personal achievement. Many of my private life coaching and mentoring clients work with me because they want to achieve more with their lives and be better at all they do. I am the same. I want those things also. I am and always have […]

3 Reasons Positive Affirmations Won’t Work For You!

You only have to look at my Facebook or Twitter pages to know that I love empowering and positive affirmations. I started consciously using them back in 2002 when I became passionate about my personal development and decided to transform my life. Positive affirmations are positive statements in the present tense that feed positive messages […]

The Problem With Fairy Tales

I remember as a child being told stories of fairy godmothers making wishes come true and of magic genies granting us three wishes. I recall replaying in my mind over and over the magical tale of a frog being kissed and turning into a prince. The problem is with fairy tales, however, as you grow […]

What is NLP? How NLP Can Help You Live Your Best Life

“N.L.P. provides a way to look past the behavioural content of what people do to the more invisible forces behind those behaviours; to the structures of thought that allow people to perform effectively.”    Robert Dilts’ Modeling with N.L.P.’ If you have heard the term ‘N.L.P.’ used and have always wondered what N.L.P. is, this […]

It’s Time To Step Up and Create The Life and Success You Want.

“The greatest limitations you will ever face will be those you place on yourself.” Denis Waitley Your mind is  being continuously fed and programmed You may not always be aware of it at a conscious level, but thoughts are being fed to your mind continuously on a daily basis. Well-meaning parents, siblings, teachers, family members, […]

Are You Living The Life You Want? Or Are You Getting In Your Own Way?

The Story of the Fleas in A Jar Thomas Edison, of electric light bulb fame, captured several hundred fleas in a jar for an experiment. When he had caught the fleas, he put the lid on the jar and sat back and watched to see what they would do. Initially, the fleas repeatedly jumped as […]

Let Go Of Guilt and Regrets. An Exercise To Spring Clean Your Mind.

In Spring, the leaves bud on the trees, and it’s a time of new growth all around us. It is such a beautiful time of year, with everything appearing so fresh and new. We  can learn a lot from mother nature and what is happening in the seasons: Trees shedding leaves in winter reminds us […]

©Copyright 2015-2025 Maureen Sharphouse. All Rights Reserved. . Maureen is based in Kinross-shire, Scotland and works with clients locally, nationally and internationally.