Ready to Reignite Your Life? My Next Book is Cooking!

Just a heads up to watch this space.... if you feel you would…

Ready for a Spring Reset? My A-Z of Living Well with Chronic Pain

If you are feeling like you could do with a bit of refuel and…

Love Yourself As You Are; You Are Not Broken

When you live with chronic pain and illness, it is all too easy…

Best Life Living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Reaching Out to Zebras

Shouting out to all Zebras: If living with the genetic…

Sharing Pain Management ‘Woo-Woo’ Visualisation Techniques that Work!

Live with pain or chronic illness? Sharing 'woo-woo' that…

Living Well with Chronic Pain Simple Strategies and Tips

Honoured to have contributed an article to the Summer 2023 edition…

It’s Time to Get Back Up: Language is Power

If you are stuck in a dark place - and fed up with only seeing…

How to Write a Great Self-Help Book

As a young child, I loved writing short stories. I dreamed that…

When Life Feels Cruel or Difficult : Top and Tail Your Days with Gratitude

It can sometimes feel like the Universe has dealt you an unkind…

It’s Time To Crack in The Light

"In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible…
©Copyright 2015-2025 Maureen Sharphouse. All Rights Reserved. . Maureen is based in Kinross-shire, Scotland and works with clients locally, nationally and internationally.