Love Yourself As You Are; You Are Not Broken

When you live with chronic pain and illness, it is all too easy to see yourself as impaired in some way or broken, lacking in some shape or form, or disabled. Sadly, perceiving yourself in some way less than perfect or ‘needing fixed’ only makes it easier to hate yourself for what you are not, rather than loving yourself for who and what you already are.

I understand that, for I have been there. I have gone through some dark periods of my life of feeling guilt, blame, and disappointment in myself and experiencing real self-loathing.

What I have come to know, however, is that you do not have to love everything about your life or everything about you to start showing yourself self-love and compassion.  What happens on the outside of your world or to your external physical body does not need to stop you having a secure and strong foundation of self-respect and compassionate care. And when you live your life from a place of compassion, kindness, faith and love(rather than from a place of fear, blame, dislike, or hate), both you and your world transform into a much more joyful, happy place.

And so, if you are yearning to start feeling good about yourself again, you must take ownership of making that happen! And using empowering self-talk can really help!

This extract from one of my personal journals has been included in a recent article I wrote for the wonderful iPain Living Magazine. I re-read it to myself this morning, and it has already flipped my mind to a better place.

I hope it does the same for you (read out loud for best results!):

Love Yourself As You Are; You Are Not Broken

As my physical body starts ageing or failing,

I remind myself my spirit need not.

Although my body may feel pain and discomfort,

I remind myself my soul is safe.

The key is to invite the light of spirit in

To touch, permeate and flow through every  cell of my being

And so I choose to meet and encompass my pain with unconditional compassion, kindness, and love.

For self-love and kindness bring with them magic,

A healing magic that is available in abundance

It is a magic that nourishes me at a deep soul level and brings with it much peace. 

For it is via the route of love that I nourish the spark within me,

It is through self-love I fully birth my strength and uniqueness,

As I stop beating myself up over all I wish I were

I can start to love myself with an open heart for who I already am.

I am not broken; I never have been.

I am beautiful and perfect in my imperfections.

And so, I choose today to accept my vulnerability and rawness.

Today, as I move forward, I choose to only think of myself in positive, supportive, loving ways.

Copyright Maureen Sharphouse

Want to explore more?

If you are ready to start flipping the way you see yourself, think about yourself – and put an end to any negative self-talk you are sending your brain – and start truly loving yourself again, check out my current article in the Winter 2023/24 edition of the iPain Living Magazine: Love Yourself As You Are; You Are Not Broken. Simple ways of empowering self-talk to help.

Reach out if you want to explore receiving my further support to help you rise to live a unique legacy you are proud of.

You can email me directly at or call me directly on +44 7850 671216

And remember to download your FREE RESOURCES from my GET  INSPIRED page here on my website.

You have got this! I believe in you.

You are not broken. In truth, you are awesome.

And as you woke up this morning, your job on earth is evidently not yet done; you are meant to be here!


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©Copyright 2015-2025 Maureen Sharphouse. All Rights Reserved. . Maureen is based in Kinross-shire, Scotland and works with clients locally, nationally and internationally.