Simple Steps To Your Soaring Self Esteem

Are you fed up suffering from low self-esteem and struggling to see yourself in a positive light? Are your feelings of low self-worth, inadequacy or incompetency stopping you get the true happiness and success you deserve?

Poor self-esteem is a serious ‘thinking’ disorder, and it affects millions of men and women worldwide daily. It holds you back from living your life fully,  and it stops you from fully expressing the wonderful individual you are.

At its worst, it can make you believe you are unlovable and undeserving of success or happiness in your life. As a result, you become stuck and trapped in a negative downwards cycle, making you feel needy and destroying your relationships.

It’s hard. I know it is. I have been there in my own life, and I learned the hard way. And I’d be lying to you if I said there is a quick fix. Altering your negative view of yourself takes work.

You have to interrupt your ‘default’ negative thinking process and throw off your limited ways of thinking, conditioning and mental programming. You have to form new empowering thoughts and beliefs and install a new learned positive behaviour pattern and mindset in your brain.

You also have to give yourself permission to BE yourself and learn to accept, like, and love yourself.

I have done it – and  I know you can.

Let me share some simple steps to start the process to your higher self-esteem and a much happier YOU.

Simple Steps to Your Soaring  Self-Esteem

  • View yourself holistically and take an inventory of your positive skills, talents, experience and qualities. See that you are a unique and multi-faceted human being with your own special ‘bundle of resources, knowledge, strengths and skills.
  • Start each day with empowering affirmations and throughout your day use positive self-talk. Be your own best friend, and treat yourself kindly –  and speak to yourself as you would a loved one. Give up being your harshest critic. You are getting in the way of you being your best you!
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Spend quality time with people you enjoy being around – who nourish, encourage and believe in you. Positivity is contagious, and you will start to feel better about yourself as the ‘feel good’ factor spreads.
  • Keep a daily journal or  ‘feel-good’ diary, and reflect positively every evening. List all the things you have felt good about yourself for during the day or are proud of yourself for achieving. Make sure to reflect and highlight things from all areas of your life – work, home, relationships, rest and play.
  • See yourself as a ‘one of’ and see that nothing is to be gained from comparing yourself to others. There is only one of you, so stop trying hard to fit in or be someone others want you to be. Instead, be proud to be YOU and express your uniqueness. You were born to be you, stand out and shine!
  • Learn to laugh at yourself and forgive yourself. Know that we all make mistakes and do silly things at times. See that nothing is to be gained from beating yourself up over your mistakes. Instead, throw off your embarrassment, learn what you can from them-  and then simply let them go.
  • Accept the compliments and praise of others, and take time to pat yourself on the back also. Positive words of encouragement and praise feed your subconscious and help your self-esteem grow and confidence. So accept all praise gracefully when it comes from others – and give praise from ‘you’ to you!
  • Learn to say ‘NO’ at times rather than being a people pleaser. See that your thoughts, opinions and needs are valid and worthy. Learn to trust and respect your judgment and put value and importance on your voice.
  • Take pride in your appearance. If you make an effort to look good, you will feel good. Eat healthily, nourish yourself well and take time to exercise. Get a great haircut, treat yourself to an outfit you love, indulge in a bubble bath and pamper yourself. Go for a bike ride or a walk in the hills, breathe in the clean, fresh air, and let staleness go.
  • Value your life and see that your life matters. Remind yourself that life is short and precious. You are here on this earth to be you and be your very best you. So value your life, live a life of purpose, squeeze the joy and make each moment count.
  • Accept what you can’t change. Embrace what’s unchangeable, including the past, for it’s over. Concentrate on what you CAN  DO and the person you CAN BE.
  • Take ownership of your own thoughts and opinions. Throw off the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself – and that others may have of you. Form empowering beliefs that will serve you much better and believe in your strengths and abilities and all that you are.
  • Stretch your ‘comfort zone’ daily. Face your fears and dig deep for courage. Stop worrying about fear of failure, what people might say about you, or of embarrassing yourself. Instead, do one thing daily that scares or stretches you a bit and constantly expand the boundaries of your world.
  • Like and love yourself unconditionally. Take time to discover who you truly are. Learn to accept and understand your likes, dislikes, passions, needs and emotions. Accept your weaknesses and forgive your shortfalls, and if you are truly not happy with the person you are being, make the changes you need to make. Be self-aware, and learn to like and love yourself. You’ll find newfound freedom you may have never known before. Aim to be a ‘you’ that you are both proud of and love to be –   and your self-esteem will soar.

Accept responsibility for your life now and put yourself in the driving seat,  and take real ownership.

Choose to think differently, and you will change how you feel about yourself – and you will change what you can do and the results you’ll bring.

See that it’s YOUR mind, body, life, and choices. 

Change in your life will come when you change what you think about YOU.

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