Ready to Reignite Your Life? My Next Book is Cooking!

Just a heads up to watch this space…. if you feel you would benefit from having an empowering self-help how-to guide and toolkit to dig into when the going gets tough in life.

I am back in my author cave for the next few months and in writing mode again – and I am so excited to be sharing in my new book (working title ‘Reignite Your Life’) the same uplifting and game-changing language and mindset shifts, transformative strategies, and soul-nourishing daily practices that to this day empower me to navigate this roller coaster we call life with unshakable resilience, grit, grace, strength, peace, positivity and courage – no matter whatever difficulties or challenges my day may bring!

The publishing contract with Morgan James is signed.

I am committed to giving birth to this baby.

Message to self: I am a writer. I can do this. It is up to me to make this happen.

Make sure to follow me on social media, or sign up to my email list, and I will keep you updated of progress and when pre-sales for my forthcoming new book are open…

You will find links to my social media pages, and an invite to sign up to my email list below.

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©Copyright 2015-2025 Maureen Sharphouse. All Rights Reserved. . Maureen is based in Kinross-shire, Scotland and works with clients locally, nationally and internationally.